
Expedition Navigation Software Crack

To find the proper model year for your vehicle, look at the 10th digit of your vehicle identification number (VIN). The 10th digit will be a letter or a number. Find the corresponding letter or number in the table below to determine the model year of your vehicle.Troubleshooting: The owner’s manual for most vehicles will clearly list the model year. If not, the manual should indicate where you can locate the VIN. The VIN is often found on the driver’s side dashboard just beneath the windshield.

The VIN is also commonly listed on the vehicle title, registration card, and insurance documents. On average, the latest map update for North America features 64,238 miles of new roads. Fresh road data., combined with speed limit markings, improves travel time estimates and generates more accurate routing options.The North American map update also includes an average of 149,494 fuel stations, 160,063 ATMs, and 716,867 restaurants. These up-to-date points of interest are important to your everyday driving needs. From finding the nearest ATM when traveling around town, to locating a nearby fuel station on your next road trip, an optimized navigation system will help you drive with confidence and ease. Remember, your Ford navigation system is designed for driving. Unlike portable devices with small screens and even smaller buttons, your in-vehicle navigation system can help you remain focused on the road ahead.

Updating your map maximizes your driver-centric navigation experience, helping you get the most from your system.To find your map update, enter the model and year of your Ford vehicle into the menu at the top of the page. Each product page details the map coverage area, highlights new road data, and provides clear installation instructions. Additional support is available via the Help Center.

All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted.

Expedition Navigation Software Crack Forum Average ratng: 5,0/5 6299votesCheck out Will Oxley's new book! Expedition Navigation Software - A Gentle Introduction. Will provides an expert walkthough on Expedition.Underdawg did an excellent job of explaining the rules. Here's the simplified version: Don't insinuate Pedo. Warning and or timeout for a first offense.

PermaFlick for any subsequent offenses Don't out members. See above for penalties. Caveat: if you have ever used your own real name or personal information here on the forums since, like, ever - it doesn't count and you are fair game. If you see spam posts, report it to the mods.We do not hang out in every thread 24/7 If you see any of the above, report it to the mods by hitting the Report button in the offending post. We do not take action for foul language, off-subject content, or abusive behavior unless it escalates to persistent stalking.

There may be times that we might warn someone or flick someone for something particularly egregious. There is no standard, we will know it when we see it. If you continually report things that do not fall into rules #1 or 2 above, you may very well get a timeout yourself for annoying the Mods with repeated whining. Use your best judgement.Warnings, timeouts, suspensions and flicks are arbitrary and capricious. Deal with it. Welcome to anarchy. If you are a newbie, there are unwritten rules to adhere to.They will be explained to you soon enough.

Nick is delivering great new features in every version. V5 came out just this week.Excellent support +. If you consider the difference this kind of software can make in a distance race, it's probaby the best investment you can make (if your boat is reasonably well set up from the start)? A new jib will make 1-2% difference - a good routing will be the difference between last and first place. It made me look like genius one or two time this season. And since I'm not that smart, it was well worth the money for me. Expedition is pretty good.My advice is you need to temper the suggested routes with your judgement.


Do comparison routes, don't take suggested routes as gospel.If you use the tool for comparison of different scenarios, it is a valuable simulation. But - USE YOUR JUDGEMENT as a sailor! Many used Expedition going to Bermuda in 06 and ended up in the cheap seats because they did not check multiple route options. Lots of wining down there about, 'my routing software said go east!'

You're right. The routing is only as good as the data it has to work with.

If the models get it wrong the route will be wrong too.It's great technology that can save you a ton of time, and do calculations that you would likely be too tired to do, or not have the time for. But it, or any other technology, cannot replace wisdom and intuition, at least not yet. Expedition is a great value, especially given the fact that Nick routinely updates it for free to registered users. In'06 we used it to win our class for Newport Bermuda.My navigator and I spent 3 months running simulations up to the date of the race. Doing this familiarized us with the process so well that when we got on the boat we already knew exactly what we were going to do. As others have warned: Garbage in garbage out. As others found out: The recommended route is not always the best.

In the case of the '06 Bermuda, the 'best' route was to go way east, but it was only 0.05% better in terms of time.In terms of distance, it was about 20% worst than going straight down the rumb line! Which way would you go?Also you will need good polars. The other part that is critical is to be able to get up to date GRIBs. Routing software is useless wtih out good weather data.Out in the open ocean, the options are limited to sat connections and/or SSB modems. Thanks All, I'm sold. I'm going to do the grb's via satphone. Should I go with a rail mount or can I get away with the hockey puck that is included with the rental (opinions on this vary)?

We have used the 'bee-hive' antenna (from the automative kit) for our Globalstar with reasonable sucess.However these days the Globalstar service is less than stellar. Whatever phone you get, get it long enough before your first race with it to make sure that the system works (drivers installed for the modem on every comm port, etc). Expedition is pretty good.My advice is you need to temper the suggested routes with your judgement. Do comparison routes, don't take suggested routes as gospel.

If you use the tool for comparison of different scenarios, it is a valuable simulation.But - USE YOUR JUDGEMENT as a sailor! Many used Expedition going to Bermuda in 06 and ended up in the cheap seats because they did not check multiple route options.

Lots of wining down there about, 'my routing software said go east!' Never to go east in the Bermuda Race! Did I just save you 5 grand???? Get a navigator who's done the Bermuda Race before and is someone you can trust. Find out what software they are used to using and go that way.Get a backup navigator lined up too. The software is also useful in bouy racing too for time to layline calcs and all that.

Consider a toughbook to have on deck with you. Also, make sure you have a sea temp sensor installed before Bermuda. Thanks All, I'm sold. I'm going to do the grb's via satphone. Should I go with a rail mount or can I get away with the hockey puck that is included with the rental (opinions on this vary)?Hockey puck sucks. I know you got a contrary opinion on another thread about Sat phones, but I will say it again. While your voice transmissions will be fine, you will find that the data transmissions get corrupted and dropped far more often they you will like if you use the hockey puck.

Nothing so frustrating as spending 15 minutes and the associated dollars to get a partial down load that can't be used. I have never (seriously, never) had a problem with the rail mount antenna. 29. Anarchist. Members.

29. 1,083 posts. Interests: Interested in skiing.But not interested in Curling. Although Curling was not as bad as I thought. Why is it called Curling?

Expedition Navigation Software Crack

But I digress. Interested in pithy and provocative post on Sailing Anarchy.Disinterested in Birthdays. Who tells the truth about their age on the interweb anyway?No interest in reading about other people's interests every time they make a post. A good book is interesting. I think the Kindle loses something. Interested in boats that people race. I doubt anyone has any interest in my multihull racing.

Expedition Software Download

New found interest in horseback riding, playing Polo to be specific.Hate to just pile on but. Expedition is the way to go. I have tried 2 other products and they were behind then.In the mean time Expedition has been updated several times. And the others have stood still. And, Nick is a really great guy. Which wouldn't be a good reason to buy the software if it was bad. But it is good and it means that Nick is a deserving sort of fellow.

Good idea to check things out early though.Getting everything hooked into your instruments can be a real bitch. AND, there are TOO MANY options in the thing.Don't let that intimidate you though. Focus on what you really need, start simple, and build from there. If you need help feel free to PM me.

Raytech does not come even close to the sophistication, features, reliability, ease of use and tech support.