Lynda Hilburn Torrent
Scheduling a Private Hypnotherapy SessionInformation About SchedulingAPrivate Hypnotherapy AppointmentWithLynda Hilburn,M.A., L.P.C., C.C.H.If you are in the Boulder/Denver, Colorado area, and wish to set upa hypnotherapy appointment with Lynda, you may reachher office by calling 303.939.8832.When you meet with Lynda, you will discover that hypnotherapy creates adeep physical and mental relaxation which allows us to communicatedirectly with the subconscious, bypassing the critical factor of ourbrains. Hypnosis is gentle, fast and very effective. It helps you tobring your life under control. Relaxation, improved stress managementand increased self-awareness are automatic by-products of the process.Through hypnosis, you can find the roots to your problems and transformyour life. Hypnotherapy is safe and gentle.

You are always aware, youare always in charge.The form of hypnotherapy Lynda teaches and practices is called 'ImaginalHypnotherapy,' which is a natural extension of Transpersonal (beyond thepersonal ego) Psychology. It draws largely from Jungian Psychology,Gestalt, Psychosynthesis, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, TranspersonalHypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis, various other traditional andcontemporary systems of hypnotherapy and NLP.It incorporates spiritual and shamanic practices and these disciplinesblend to create a harmonious system of effective therapy.
Lynda Hilburn Kismet Knight Series
ImaginalHypnotherapy allows entry into the deep, inner worlds where changes cantake place and where the soul speaks through the language of theimagination. It is a process that helps us to recognize and accept thedifferent and often opposing aspects of our personalities such as the'inner child' and 'inner critic.' Conflicts between these innercharacters or 'subpersonalities' account for many of our difficultiesand problems.