Emulex Hbanyware Windows 2012 R2
Emulex Hba Utility
Unfortunately, problems have arisen with WS2012 R2 Hyper-V networking where Emulex NICs are used. Hans Vredevoort (Hyper-V MVP) and Marc van Eijk (Azure MVP) have been. It appears that lots of you have encountered the same problem with VMs and virtual NICs losing connectivity when a virtual switch is connected to an Emulex NIC – in the guys’ case in HP blades with FlexFabric.The core issue seems to be related to Emulex 10 GbE NICs – As they guys report in their post Kristian Nese (System Center MVP) also sees the problem on IBM servers with Emulex NICs.There is no fix. Please watch the on Hyper-V.nu to keep up with updates.