
Unir Dos Particiones En Vista

The purpose of this article is to clarify some of the elements involved in an effective workspace for problems related to geometric loci in technological environments. It analyzes how 52 prospective math teachers progress in their conception of the concept of geometric locus through the appropriation of the specific features of each environment (tool) in relation to their own practice as students and their future professional activity. The mathematical representations of loci generated by three different dynamic geometry tools have been compared, both from the perspective of their mathematical dynamics and their didactic functions. The didactic functionalities provided from the designer have been studied from the Mathematical Working Space model (MWS).

  1. Tipos De Particiones
  2. Unir Dos Particiones En Vista Orlando

Tipos De Particiones

Particiones del disco duro

Unir Dos Particiones En Vista Orlando

Imtoo 3gp video converter 5.1.20 build-0121 with serial key number. This model highlights the need to coordinate the geometric work on the epistemological and cognitive levels through different genesis of reasoning (visual-discursive, instrumental and discursive).Key words: Geometric Loci; Dynamic Geometry; Instrumental Genesis; Geometric Reasoning; Mathematical Working Space.