Road To The Infinity 4 Iso
Outside of the campaign, for the Nintendo Switch has a series of Infinity Trials, reworked challenges set in the levels you’ve completed. The majority of the Infinity Trials unlock naturally as you play, but eight of them are hidden throughout the campaign. The Infinity Rifts aren’t always in plain sight, so we’ve put together a guide detailing all of their locations. Infinity Rift locationsOne global tip for finding Infinity Rifts: Make sure to listen to Nick Fury when he informs you of anomalies in the area. When he talks about anomalies, an Infinity Rift is really close to your location. The RaftThe first Infinity Rift is found in Chapter Two: The Raft. After defeating Sandman, you’ll arrive at the Central Courtyard checkpoint.

Shinseiki Gpx Cyber Formula Road To The Infinity 4 Iso

Head towards the waypoint and Nick Fury will inform you of an anomaly in the area. Once you see a ton of boxes on the right, jump over the railing and head down the path.
Road To The Infinity 4 Iso File

Your first secret Infinity Rift will be waiting at the end.An Ability Trial, you’re tasked with beating Nebula (level 7) with reduced damage, but increased EP regeneration. ShadowlandStarting from the first checkpoint in Chapter Three: Shadowland, you’ll have to fight a series of baddies and then navigate a stealth area with security headlights beaming down. After making it through the stealth area (hopefully unscathed), Jessica Jones will smash a pillar to create a path for you. Up ahead is a bridge that takes you to the temple.
Before you go over the bridge, head all the way to the right to find your second Infinity Rift.A Synergy Trial, you have to fight Doctor Octopus (level 10). Synergy attacks deal more damage, while all other attacks are reduced and EP regenerates faster. Avengers TowerAt the second checkpoint (Main Laboratory Exit) in the Avengers Tower, Vis.